Base64 Encoder


Base64 encoder is a free utility that lets you encode any binary or text data to the base64-encoded format with one click. Simply enter your string into the given input box and our base64 encode online tool will generate results in seconds.

How to encode Base64 online?

To encode base64 online by our tool, follow the below instructions:

  1. Insert your text into the left input box.
  2. Alternatively, directly copy-paste the text into the given input field.
  3. Click on the Encode button.
  4. Copy results from the right output box.

What is Base64?

Base64 is the method to convert binary data into printable ASCII format. It is an encoding scheme that plays a key role in converting binary data to ASCII characters.

Our base64 encoder is widely used by programmers because of its accurate base64 encoding process.

Besides this, you can take help from our Base64 Decoder to decode the encoded base64 data without any hassle.

Features of our Base64 Encoder

This online tool comes with below best features:

No Registration

There is no need to complete any registration or signup process to use our tool. Simply go the, search for the tool, open it and use it to encode base64 data.

Instant Base64 Encoding

This encoder gets the input data and encodes the input string or query within seconds. If you enter the text “Password” into the input box, the results will be:


Copy to Clipboard

You can use this feature to copy the encoded data in real time within a single click.

Free for everyone

You don’t have to buy any subscription plan to use our tool. This base64 encoding tool is completely free to use for everyone.

Benefits of using this Base 64 Encoder Online

  • It quickly converts the input plain text into the base64 data without any hassle.
  • This online encoder saves your time and generates accurate results within seconds.
  • To get rid of typing lengthy text, you can directly copy-paste your text into the given input box.
  • It is completely free and compatible with almost every platform including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and more.
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